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William Annin IDEA Lab Makerspace: Getting Started

Makerspace Guidelines

The IDEA Lab Makerspace

(I=Innovation, D=Design, E=Engineering, A=Art) 

IDEA Lab makerspace

Our IDEA Lab is a space where students and staff can learn, create and grow in their knowledge in areas of interest to them.  We try to include STEM/STEAM areas/activities but are always eager to incorporate any new areas/activities in which students or staff are passionate.

The physical makerspace provides students and staff with different materials to use for making, tinkering and designing their own creations, such as LEGOS, recycled materials, beads, everyday objects, circuit boards, Arduino boards, Raspberry Pi, Little Bits, Makey Makey kits and more!

This website provides online and virtual materials to support students and staff in their "making" in the IDEA Lab Makerspace.

Enjoy this guide site and use it to help you in learning about these different tools and materials!


IDEA Lab Makerspace Guidelines

To work effectively in our makerspace, you must follow the guidelines listed below.  Please become familiar with them and ask questions if there is something you don't understand. 


1. The IDEA Lab makerspace is an open, collaborative space.  Please be respectful of other makers and be willing to share your knowledge and materials so everyone can grow, make and learn.

2. Some activities use delicate and expensive materials.  Please be careful when working with these materials and let Media Center/Learning Commons staff know of any problems or damage IMMEDIATELY.

3. Some activities may require the use of tools and other materials that require makers to follow certain safety procedures.  Please make sure you follow all directions/requirements for a given activity.

4. Makers are expected to direct their own learning as much as possible.  If you are not sure how to do something, take the time to explore Media Center/Learning Commons and IDEA Lab resources to learn what you need to know in order to move forward in your learning.  Mrs. Goetjen is available to provide guidance and direction in locating resources to help you learn and make progress.