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7th Grade Science - Ecosystems Research: Works Cited

Creating Your Works Cited Page

Use your citation tool, NoodleTools to create your Works Cited Page. 

You can add your source citations directly into NoodleTools as you are using the sources for your research.  For book citations, you can use the NoodleTools Companion app to scan the book's citation information directly into your NoodleTools project.  iPads are available for scanning.

 Database articles and web pages can be a little tricky to cite - use the resources below to help you!


Check out these resources to help you be a good digital citizen!


WAMS Research Guide - Works Cited Page to help you with any questions you may have about citing the different types of sources or using NoodleTools. 

WAMS Research Guide - Evaluation page to help with making sure you are using a reliable web page and how to locate information on the web page.

Tips for Evaluating and Citing Web Pages - Useful 1 page guide to finding web page information needed to evaluate and cite the web page.