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7th Grade Language Arts - Shark Tank Research: Databases

Student Edition

 Student Edition        



  • CHOOSE DATABASE: Click link above.
  • KEYWORDS: Type in keywords related to your topic. Press magnifying glass.
  • NARROW RESULTS: Use tools on right of screen to select:

            Limit by Full-text,

            Sort by Relevance

            Narrow results by Subject (if needed)

  • CHOOSE ARTICLE TYPE: Default Content type=Magazine.  You can select other types on right of screen.  Make sure article is NOT a Book Review.
  • SAVE ARTICLE: Can save the article to Google Drive:
        In Tools box select Save to Google Drive.
        Sign in with Google and use your username/password. If first time
        saving an article from this database, click ALLOW button.  Article will be saved in a Google Doc in a folder called InfoTrac Student Edition in your My Drive.
  • CITATION INFO: At top of article - see Author, Title, Source fields.


Research in Context

 Research in Context        



  • CHOOSE DATABASE: Click link above.
  • KEYWORDS: Type in keywords related to your topic. Press magnifying glass.
  • NARROW RESULTS: Use tools on right of screen to select:
  • CHOOSE ARTICLE TYPE:  Click on Reference, MagazinesNews, Images, etc. to choose that type of article to view.  Make sure any article you view is NOT a Book Review.
  • To SAVE ARTICLE TO Google Drive:
       In Tools box, select Send to Google Drive.  Sign in to Google Drive if prompted and use your username/password. The first time you save an article click the ALLOW button.
  • Your article will be saved in a Google Doc in My Drive in a folder called Research in Context.
  • To SAVE TO GOOGLE CLASSROOM: At top of article click Google Classroom icon, then select the classroom and assignment, click Go and Attach.
  • CITATION INFO: At top of article

GALE Reference EBooks

GALE Reference E-Books Database

GALE REFERENCE EBOOKS + Password (if at home)

  • SEARCHKEYWORDS from your planning sheet  -->  Search box at top of screen,
  • CHOOSE CHAPTERResult is a list of articles organized by type of article.  Browse titles and click on a title to view the article.
  • SAVE CHAPTER:   Click on the Google Drive icon below the article title 
        *Log into Google Drive.  
    Article is saved in a WORD doc in your My Drive in a folder called GALE Virtual Reference Library
  • CITATION: Export citations --> NoodleTools project.  Make sure you are logged into Noodletools first. 
            Click Citation Tools, make sure it is set to MLA 8th Edition. In the dropdown for Export, choose NoodleTools, click Export. Make sure citation looks ok - select your NoodleTools project and click Import references button.

EBSCOhost Explora Databases

  Ebsco host Kids Search     + PASSWORD (if outside of school)


  • Scroll and select this database: Explora Secondary School
  • SEARCH: Keywords from planning sheet --> Search bar at top of screen.
  • CHOOSE ARTICLE: Browse article titles and summaries.
        *Choose an article by clicking on the title
       *Articles display as PDF files and/or HTML web pages.
        *Select the Google Drive icon on the far right.

         *A pop up box should appear prompting you to login to Google Drive (if needed). 
        *Click Allow to save the article to your Google Drive in a folder named EBSCO
         *NOTE: If the pop up box does not appear, look in the URL/search bar at top of screen for a red and black pop up icon.  Click it and select "Allow
    popups for this site", then try again.
  • CITATION: Is at the top or bottom of the article or Select Cite button on far right, scroll down to find the MLA format, then copy/paste this into NoodleTools.

Infobase Learning - Facts on File


    Facts on File- Health Reference Center  

(REFERENCE and some NEWSPAPER articles)


  • CHOOSE DATABASE:Contains databases on specific subjects – must be searched individually.  Use Health Reference Center.
  • KEYWORDS: Type in keywords related to your topic. Use keywords from your Project sheet.

  • CHOOSE ARTICLE: Use Tabs at top of screen to select Type of articles and browse those results to choose a useful article. You can also browse other related topic links to the right of the selected article text.
  • CITATION INFO:  At bottom of article (Not in MLA format.)  

  • EMAIL/SAVE/PRINT:  Use Email/Save and Print buttons in PageTools box on right side of screen. Can save articles to Google Drive - click Download, then save to Drive icon, and choose folder.

SIRS Discoverer Database Instructions

  SIRS Discoverer 

  1. Click on SIRS Discoverer icon.

  2. SEARCH: In the Search box, type in your keywords.  Click the Enter key or the magnifying glass.

  3. FIND ARTICLE: Browse article titles and short descriptions.  Click on the title of an article to view it.

  4. SAVE ARTICLE: To save the article to Google Drive:
    * Click Save to Google Drive in the blue Use This Article box on the left of the screen.
    * Article will be saved in a Google Doc in a folder called Proquest-SIRS Discoverer in your My Drive.

  5. CITATION Information: Can be found at the top of the article or formatted at the bottom of the article.

General Information

 Username/passwords are needed if accessing these databases from HOME. (See your printed Database Pathfinder or student assignment pad or ask Media Center staff.)

Articles from these databases can be printed out, saved on your personal H drive (My Documents) or a flash drive, or e-mailed home.

What is a Database?

Differences Between Databases and Web Sites

Strategies for Choosing Keywords

Database Features - Review

Database Searching and Saving Articles

How To Cite Database Articles

Saving GALE Database Articles to Google Drive