(from Holocaust Museum )
This web page focuses on the Nazi's consolidation of power in Germany from 1933-1934. This includes:
1933: Elections
Feb. 27, 1933: Reichstag Fire
Mar. 23, 1933: Enabling Act
Jun. 30, 1934: Night of the Long Knives
Become familiar with the vocabulary in the Vocabulary box.
Reichstag - the lower house of the parliament during the period of the Second Reich and the Weimar Republic. (from dictionary.com)
Informational Resources:
Chronology of Events to Consolidate Power - Read this page, and pages 2 and 3
Night of the Long Knives also called Rohm Affair
Opposition to the Nazis (read pages 6,7,8)
1. Hitler's Germany - BBC - how Hitler used the SA and the Reichstag elections to increase Nazi power and ultimately allowed him to become the all powerful Fuhrer.
2. Who Was the Firestarter? - more details about the fire in the Reichstag and how Hitler used it to help him gain ultimate power