from Holocaust Encyclopedia web site
This web page focuses on lives as Jews in Germany during the Nazi reign. This includes:
1935 Nuremberg Laws
1936 Olympics in Berlin
1938 Kristallnacht
Become familiar with the vocabulary in the Vocabulary box.
Nazi Policies 1933-1939
Nazi Social and Economics infographic timeline
Nazi Government (Idealogy, view of Jews)
Anti-Semitic Laws (Laws against Jews):
Anti-Semitic Laws infographic Examples of Anti-Semitic Laws 1933-1939
Nuremberg Laws:
Nuremberg Race Laws Nuremberg Laws Nuremberg Race Laws - Defining a Nation
Berlin Olympics:
1936 Berlin Olympics 1936 Berlin Olympics in detail
Kristallnacht or "The Night of Broken Glass":
Kristallnacht Kristallnacht in detail
1936 Berlin Olympics - video clip
Kristallnacht - video clip (watch first 4:20 minutes)