There are 3 distinct steps involved in locating the information you need for your research. They are:
1. Identifying keywords
2. Identifying and finding information sources
3. Locating the information you need within these sources
You should have already located and read some general information from a print or online encyclopedia or other general reference source to narrow your topic. Hopefully, you have discussed your topic with several people, such as your teacher, the media specialist, a friend or class partner or your parents. You should have considered what type of information will be the best and most reliable for your research project (See Selecting Sources guide page.)
Now you are ready to locate the sources you identified as useful for your research topic. The information you gather from these sources should prove or support your thesis statement, or help you in refining your thesis statement.
The world around you is full of information. Sources of information are your school media center, public library, online databases, the Internet, businesses, government agencies (local, state or federal), people and the media (TV, radio, streaming video.) Where is the best place to start?